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Captain Hervé Jaubert


Hervé Jaubert is a former French Navy officer, marine engineer and DGSE secret agent.   He famously built submarines for Dubai's government, before escaping politically motivated persecution in the UAE.  He is an accomplished author and has successfully helped numerous people extract themselves from dangerous and often life threatening situations.  Princess Latifa escaped the UAE with Jaubert and made it to the safety of international waters where the US flag should have protected them.  The two were then abducted by special forces and detained in the UAE.  Jaubert is ensuring that those responsible for the illegal attack are brought to justice.


Under the Radar with Hervé Jaubert

Escape from Dubai, by Herve Jaubert

Princess Latifa obtained a copy of Escape from Dubai and contacted Hervé Jaubert to discuss her plans and enlist his help.  The pair talked for seven years before she finally decided it was the right time to get out.

Latifa told Jaubert and Radha Stirling, that she needed to get out for her sister's sake.  Sheikha Shamsa was too weak to travel and her situation was only getting worse.  Latifa told Stirling and Jaubert that she needed to get out and then she could negotiate her sister's freedom from the safety of abroad.

Latifa felt she could trust Jaubert to assist her, without turning her in to Sheikh Mohammed.  Her father had wide connections and most security companies would have relationships with him.  Jaubert could be trusted and Escape from Dubai gave her that comfort.

Order Escape from Dubai here.


Hervé Jaubert in the media


Special Edition with Radha Stirling
Radha Stirling on Euronews:  Mary Robinson and Princess Latifa

Radha Stirling on Euronews: Mary Robinson and Princess Latifa

Statement of Radha Stirling, CEO of Detained in Dubai: Anyone familiar with Princess Latifa’s story who listened to the BBC Radio interview today with Mary Robinson will be astonished at the extent to which Ms Robinson appeared to be reciting almost verbatim from Dubai’s script. What we heard today was Mary Robinson essentially reciting for BBC Radio listeners the content of the statement issued by the Dubai Ruler’s Court. She had nothing to say about the charges Latifa made against her father, Sheikh Mohammed, in her video, only saying that Latifa, now again in her father’s custody, regretted having recorded it. She said nothing about Latifa’s having planned her escape for nearly a decade, nor anything about her previous escape attempt. She did not mention the escape and subsequent reported abduction of Latifa’s sister Shamsa. She said nothing about the illegal raid of Latifa’s boat in international waters, and the fact that she was screaming for asylum and begging to not be returned to the UAE. Ms Robinson simply repeated again and again from the official Dubai statement that Latifa is in the “loving care of her family” and that the whole issue is nothing more than a “family matter”. Ms Robinson suggests that the circumstances of Latifa’s escape should be investigated, but not the allegations of torture and abuse which prompted her escape, nor did she suggest that the violent capture by the security forces of the UAE and India in international waters should be investigated. She stated that Latifa is currently under “psychiatric care”; Latifa has previously described this “care” to include forced medication that caused her sister Shamsa to be sedated to the point that her personality was crushed after she was abducted from the UK and forcibly brought back to Dubai. Latifa phoned me on the night of her abduction, pleading for my help. Given what she has conveyed to me, this meeting in no way satisfies me that she is free from the abuse that she told me she had suffered for years. What Ms Robinson has related of Latifa’s current condition is in line with exactly what we and Latifa would have anticipated; That the same lucid and determined woman seen in the video made prior to her escape, the same woman who trained for and planned a daring escape, the same woman that Tiina had come to know as strong, is now being presented as mentally disturbed and vulnerable and being provided with “psychiatric care”. It is obvious to me that this meeting between Mary Robinson and Latifa, under the supervision of Princess Haya, one of Sheikh Mohammed’s wives; and indeed, Ms Robinson’s comments about the meeting, reveal nothing concrete about Latifa’s condition and serve only to promote Dubai’s attempt to avoid any serious enquiry. We are very happy that Latifa is alive, but are cognizant of the fact that she herself said that she would rather die than be returned to her father’s custody, and thus, continue to have grave concerns about her welfare.
Sean Hannity Radio Show with Radha Stirling on Princess Latifa of Dubai

Sean Hannity Radio Show with Radha Stirling on Princess Latifa of Dubai

4:30 PM ET – Detained in Dubai, which is based in the United Kingdom and assists people with legal problems in the United Arab Emirates “UAE”. They are London based specialising in international dispute resolution, crisis management and strategic advisory firm specializing in a range of criminal and civil disputes in Dubai, the wider UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman and Saudi Arabia. They were contacted by Princess Latifa (Sheikha Latifa AL Maktoum in February 2018 and have been working to get her free and safe. According to all available information, it would appear that following their departure from Oman to the Indian coast, The Nostromo, a US-flagged yacht, was intercepted by the Indian Military. According to the statement of Ms. Jauhiainen: “On Sunday 4th March 2018 as night fell we what was off the coast of Goa, India when we were attacked by Indian secret service and military, including the Indian Coast Guard. Around 15 men came on board fully masked, in armored black clothing, with machine guns and laser sights. They used what was some kind of gas that filled the boat was smoke. It was the most terrifying experience of my life. The Indian men had their laser sights on me and Latifa and they were telling me they would shoot me and kill me. I was thrown against the floor, stood on and found myself in a pool of blood. At this point, I thought they had killed Hervé and I thought I was next. They told me again and again that they would kill me and held me on the edge of the boat, threatening to push me into the sea. We were cuffed and forced to lie down.”



Detained in Dubai Limited,

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