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Justice for victims of the Nostromo attack - Lawsuits coming soon....


Nostromo, a US flagged yacht was violently attacked in international waters.  All onboard were abducted and detained in an unprecedented act of piracy and human trafficking by state actors.   




Detained in Dubai founder Radha Stirling commented, “This incident needs to be properly analysed by the US government and the courts to ensure it never happens again. No US citizen on a US flagged yacht should ever be abducted again. This was a blatant violation of international law and the beginning of the escalating belligerence of Gulf nationals, ultimately leading to Khashoggi’s execution.


“We must ensure justice is done in this case, or we will see more acts of violence in the future.


"The lives of 5 American, Filipino, and European citizens were irreversibly upturned by the despotic actions of the UAE. Herve Jaubert and his crew were beaten, held at gunpoint, abducted, and told they would be killed, dismembered, and scattered in the desert. The Nostromo was looted, and Jaubert, who risked his life to help Latifa, has been slandered as a kidnapper. Lives have been ruined. International law has been broken; two US allies collaborated in a reckless act of military aggression against an American private vessel outside their jurisdiction; and no one has been held accountable.”


Stirling warned at the time that if the UAE’s belligerence went unchecked, it would likely increase, and become an example to others in the region. Indeed, seven months after the Nostromo was attacked with impunity, dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi was assassinated in the Saudi Arabian embassy in Turkey. “I don’t think anyone can doubt that Saudi Arabia was emboldened by the fact that the UAE suffered no consequences for their criminal actions the previous March,” Stirling commented, “The UAE was also complicit in the killing of Khashoggi. Increasingly, security services, intelligence agencies, and the militaries of countries in the region are being used as the personal enforcers of the rulers, and we are seeing a kind of authoritarian nexus developing whereby antidemocratic strongmen are cooperating outside the boundaries of international law and diplomatic norms to essentially create a shadow jurisdiction that operates according to their whims. Sometimes they abuse legitimate institutions like Interpol to persecute their enemies, and sometimes they manufacture legitimacy for their personal vendettas by dictating verdicts in the courts they control; and sometimes they simply act with blatant criminality because they have learned they will not be called to account.”


The recent hijacking by Belarus of a RyanAir flight to Lithuania to capture activist Roman Protasevich upon the personal orders of President Alexander Lukashenko, Stirling said, is further evidence that authoritarian states have grown bolder since the UAE’s raid on Nostromo. “Lukashenko has been pursuing closer relations with the UAE in recent years,” She explained, “Including intelligence-sharing, military cooperation, and increased private Emirati investment in Belarus. This is a case of like minds finding common cause with one another, bolstering each other’s sense of entitled despotism. When the UAE attacked Nostromo, and more importantly, got away with it, Belarus knew this was a government they could partner with and learn from; and frankly, this is eroding the authority of international law. All of this can be traced back to the events of March 2018. America and Europe cannot afford to ignore this trend; renegade state actors must be reprimanded decisively and quickly when they defy the global order and use state institutions and military assets to settle the personal grudges of their rulers. Regardless of the outcome of Princess Latifa’s story, there has not been closure for the victims of the Nostromo attack, and the longer this issue goes unaddressed, the more unsafe the world will be.”



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